“With more than 1,400 allied organizations and over 40 state, local, and international chapters, NO MORE sparks grassroots activism, encouraging everyone—women and men, youth and adults, from all walks of life—to be part of the solution.” Click Here to learn more about NO MORE, and here How to Help Survivors
The NO MORE Silence, Speak Your Truth platform provides a safe and supportive space for people impacted by domestic violence to share their experiences, learn from other survivors, and connect to resources.
“Your story is personal and unique, but sharing it can be a healing experience for you and others.
Remember, healing is not linear and is different for everyone. It is important to stay patient with ourselves when setbacks occur in our process and forgive yourself for everything that may go wrong along the way.”
“NO MORE is a groundbreaking, global initiative comprised of the largest coalition of nonprofits, corporations, government agencies, media, schools, and individuals addressing domestic and sexual violence. We are committed to engaging, reaching, and working with people from diverse communities.” Click Here to GET HELP – Directory of domestic & sexual violence helplines & services ~ 200+ LOCATIONS AROUND THE WORLD!
It’s On Us
1156 15th St NW, Suite 1000 | Washington, DC 20005 | contact@itsonus.org | 202.908.5226
Educational Tools
“The goal is for these resources to be easy to use, free, and easily adaptable to different campus communities. It’s On Us has held individual interviews and focus groups with students and staff to collect information on the gaps that exist in sexual violence prevention educational materials around the country today. We have developed peer-to-peer resources that address the existing needs students identified. Each educational tool was developed based on direct feedback and needs addressed by students and drawn from the most up-to-date research and best-practices, which are cited within each document.
“Choose a topic from the list below for resources that might help you with your campus organizing or programming. “

( centers.rainn.org )

It’s helpful to have support in your own community after a sexual assault. Local service providers make it easy for you to access care, and they are knowledgeable about the laws in your area and local resources that can assist you.
RAINN (Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network)
To speak with someone who is trained to help, call the
National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800.656.HOPE (4673) or LIVE CHAT online at online.rainn.org
https://www.rainn.org or Spanish: https://www.rainn.org/es
For a list and description of organizations that provide assistance for survivors and their families, visit: https://www.rainn.org/national-resources-sexual-assault-survivors-and-their-loved-ones
Safety & Prevention
Safety for Parents
Safety for Students
Warning Signs
Protecting Others
Online Safety
Safe Web Browsing
Social Media Safety
Staying Safe
What Consent Looks Like
How to Respond if Someone is Pressuring You
Safety Planning
Safety Tips for Traveling
Alcohol Safety
Let’s Talk About…for all ages
Staying Safe on Campus
Alcohol Safety
Steps You Can Take to Prevent Sexual Assault
Your Role In Preventing Sexual Assault (Bystander)
What Consent Looks Like
How to Help Someone You Care About – Tips from RAINN
SelfCare After Trauma – Tips from RAINN
Online Dating and Dating App Safety Tips
#RAINNDAY & #LetsGetLoud “Need some social media inspiration? Try pairing a few of the posts with our RAINN Day graphics below.
“Browse the #RAINNDay and #LetsGetLoud hashtags on Instagram to see how students around the country are raising awareness for Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month.
#LetsGetLoud & speak out about sexual assault during #RAINNDay. Make a difference: rainn.org/rainnday
#LetsGetLoud so survivors know that they are not alone. I’m making a difference on my campus with #RAINNDay on 4/14. You can too: rainn.org/rainnday
#LetsGetLoud so survivors know that they are believed and sexual violence is not tolerated on our campus. Learn how you can help at rainn.org/rainnday
#LetsGetLoud about protecting each other. I’m bringing my campus together on #RAINNDay to help end sexual assault. rainn.org/rainnday As a college-age person, we are at a high risk for sexual violence. #LetsGetLoud and stop sexual assault on college campuses. Find out how at #RAINNDay. rainn.org/rainnday
“You can play an important role in stopping sexual violence and connecting survivors with the support they deserve. The best part? You only have to lift a finger. Acting with RAINN on social media gives you a chance to have a voice in the conversation about sexual violence.
Share the messages below on social media:
Connect survivors with help: The National Sexual Assault Hotline provides free, 24/7 support to survivors of sexual assault and their loved ones. Reach those who need this valuable service by sharing the hotline information on social media.
If you have been affected by sexual assault, you are not alone. @RAINN provides free, confidential support 24/7 at online.rainn.org.
@RAINN provides free, 24/7 support for survivors of sexual assault and their loved ones at 800.656.HOPE and online.rainn.org.
Sexual assault is never your fault. @RAINN now offers free, confidential Spanish support services online 24/7 at rainn.org/es.
Educate your friends: Debunk myths and educate your network about sexual violence. Share a statistic to shed light on the issue. Every 73 seconds, another American is sexually assaulted. Learn more and take action with @rainn at rainn.org. 98% of rapists will never spend a day in jail. Help bring rapists to justice with @rainn at rainn.org.
Advocate for survivors of sexual violence: Use your voice to create a ripple effect of change for survivors among your peers, in your community, or even on Capitol Hill.
Raise awareness and educate students about sexual assault resources from @RAINN with #RAINNDay! Learn more at rainn.org/rainnday.
Support funding to help victims of sexual violence and hold perpetrators accountable. rainn.org/action-center @rainn #ActWithRAINN.”
Public Policy and Action – Interactive Map – Laws of Your State
RAINN Needs Your Voice
Countless survivors’ kits are languishing on shelves in evidence rooms and labs across the U.S. Even today, some survivors must wait nearly a decade to get their kits processed and tested. Right now, approximately 200,000 kits wait to be tested. Today, we have a chance to make a difference.
The U.S. Senate is currently deciding how much to spend on the backlog and your voice can be the difference between more funding or less.
Stand With Survivors and Ask Your Senators to End the Backlog. Justice Delayed is justice denied. Urge your senators to do their part to help end the rape kit backlog today.
Send email = https://p2a.co/1jqx2dk?p2asource=FY21_BacklogAlert_email1_all
How RAINN’s Policy Team Works Help Survivors https://www.rainn.org/news/how-rainns-policy-team-works-help-survivors
“Recently, as Congress has considered police reform legislation, RAINN has urged House and Senate leaders to include a number of additional changes to help survivors of sexual violence. RAINN’s suggestions address issues that disproportionately impact Black victims of sexual violence, especially Black girls, who are overrepresented in juvenile justice data. According to The Sex Abuse to Prison Pipeline: The Girls Story, 76 percent of girls involved with the justice system have histories of physical and sexual abuse.”
Information & Support for Survivors
How to Report Sexual Assault & Abuse
Child Sexual Abuse (Church, Schools, Foster Care, etc.)
Grooming: Know the Warning Signs (Children, Teens, Adults)

Additional Resources
- Advocates and Shelters | WomensLaw.org (drop-down menu for your State)
- Click here to enter your zip code: Find Domestic Violence and Abuse Help, Information and Stats (domesticshelters.org)
Domestic Violence Support | The National Domestic Violence Hotline (thehotline.org)
- National Organizations | WomensLaw.org (listed by subject matter)
- Chat Rooms and Message Boards | WomensLaw.org
- VictimConnect (serves victims of crime in US (including assault, abuse, domestic violence, teen dating violence, trafficking, stalking, etc.), and make local referrals.
Mental Health Resources