No Means No Worldwide (NMNW) trains instructors in high-risk environments to deliver the proven No Means No sexual and gender-based violence prevention curricula to girls and boys ages 10-20. Through the program, girls increase their skills in assertiveness, boundary setting, and understanding of their rights, and develop the verbal and physical skills to defend themselves in an attack. Boys increase their gender equitable attitudes, learn skills to defend equality, avoid violence, ask for consent, and intervene when witnessing or anticipating sexual assault. NMNW also works to increase girls’ and boys’ disclosure of experiences of sexual violence and provide referrals for comprehensive support.
Empowerment Self-Defense
The No Means No System was designed and adapted based on a classic feminist model developed in the 60s and 70s called Empowerment Self-Defense. This model is the only strategy that has continually been proven to reduce rates of sexual assault.
Dual Gender Approach
The No Means No System engages both girls and boys which creates a culture of mutual respect that drives generational change.
Expanding Our Reach
No Means No Worldwide is working with over 50 implementing partners in multiple countries, and our work is expanding to new geographies.

Excerpts from my Email to No Means No Worldwide (4/12/21)
“I am including some NMNW information in my website but I need more information on how to accomplish this…
“[With the rise in sexual assaults in the US over the last decade, I seriously doubt the schools have implemented any programs anywhere near similar to ImPower.]…
“I would like our Members to reach out to teachers, counselors, administrators, state legislators, Departments of Education, etc. to try to get the ImPower curriculum implemented in US schools (girls and boys, gender-specific curricula of six 2-hour classes, ages 10-20, with refresher courses in each grade, and consistent reinforcement by PE teachers during PE classes). Repetition, repetition, repetition. …”
Thank you for any information you can provide.
I look forward to hearing from you.
All the best,
Karen Gomez, Founder, Papillon Z
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
From: Partnerships NMNW
Sent: Thursday, May 6, 2021 3:10 AM
To: Karen Gomez
Subject: Re: No Means No Worldwide ImPower curriculum
Dear Karen,
We are sorry to hear that you are a survivor of sexual assault.
It’s wonderful to hear that you are interested in No Means No Worldwide (NMNW) – it’s deeply inspiring for us to hear from passionate people around the world like you who are equally dedicated to ending the global rape epidemic.
To provide a bit more background on our approach to partnerships, NMNW collaborates with like-minded organizations that are also dedicated to preventing sexual violence. We are committed to providing comprehensive technical services that equip implementing partners to deliver and evaluate high-quality programming across the globe. Our collaborative services include:
- Project design and implementation planning support
- Localization of dual-gender sexual violence prevention curriculum and supporting M&E tools
- Comprehensive training of No Means No Instructors
- Instructor certification processes to develop local capacity and drive sustainable growth
- Ongoing technical guidance and troubleshooting (in-person and/or remotely) to ensure effective implementation
- Collaboration on rigorous research and evaluation efforts
NMNW helps projects get started the right way so that our partners can sustain the project over the long-term. This process can take anywhere between 6 months and 2+ years, depending on the capacity of the organization(s) involved.
Currently, NMNW does not have the capacity to allocate any funds for new projects. In order for us to launch new partnerships, we are typically hired under a subcontract or as a technical assistance consultant to a project. We are of course always open to working with partners to find creative solutions to source project funding. Costs of No Means No projects can vary tremendously depending on the location and scale of the project, and we are happy to help partners with the budgeting process to ensure enough funding is available to run an effective project.
We hosted a webinar “No Means No: Implementing Partnerships.” We hope you will be able to listen in the next few weeks to learn more about our approach to partnerships.
If you are interested in speaking further and feel you have the capacity and resources to launch an effective No Means No project, then we would love to continue discussions.
Please do stay connected with NMNW by following us on our website, Facebook and LinkedIn, and we appreciate your passion and commitment to preventing sexual violence.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
The NMNW Team