RAINN National Sexual Assault

1-800-656-HOPE (4673)

National Domestic Violence HOTLINE


Strong Hearts Native HELPLINE

1-844-7NATIVE (762-8483)

National Suicide Prevention HOTLINE 

1-800-273-talk (8255)

National Human Trafficking HOTLINE 

1-888-373-7888 | TEXT 233-733

“Pardon Our Dust” – while our website is undergoing  Renovation, and our Blog is under Construction. . .  


Please sign up for ESD classes when it’s safe to do so.

Learn More about Empowerment Self-Defense.


Peace Over Violence  (Since 1971 ~ over 50 Years!)

Empowerment Self-Defense helps individuals develop easy-to-use techniques such as awareness, assertiveness, and verbal confrontation skills in combination with safety strategies and physical techniques to prevent, resist, and escape violent assaults.

Peace Over Violence’s Empowerment Self-Defense courses provide psychological awareness and verbal skills, not just physical training.
In adhering to social distancing protocols, we have modified our self-defense classes to virtual only. Instructors utilize two cameras via Zoom–one for audio and one to display full range of motion for body movement throughout the class. Virtual self-defense classes can be provided in English and Spanish.

“I had already looked around at other classes, but this class best fit me. At first I was a bit nervous because I didn’t know what to expect, but when it was all over I felt a sense of relief, security and empowerment. I now feel more empowered and confident about myself. I don’t fear walking through a new campus or a new neighborhood. I now have options, but most of all I have a voice … a LOUD voice that is worth protecting.”

Our programs empower women and children to prevent crime and victimization, break the myths surrounding violence against women, and develop simple, easy-to-use self-defense techniques.

Participation in self-defense classes encourages you to think in terms of options and choices, develops your awareness and assertiveness skills and provides practice for physical self-defense techniques. It expands the way you think about violence prevention, helps you deal with your fears and enables you to feel more empowered in your life.

Peace Over Violence offers even more classes:

  • Kids Self-Defense & Safety
  • Youth Self-Defense & Safety
  • Self-Defense & Safety for Women with Disabilities and Senior Citizens
  • Personal Security Awareness Training
  • Women Warrior Weekend

Learn More