RAINN National Sexual Assault

1-800-656-HOPE (4673)

National Domestic Violence HOTLINE


Strong Hearts Native HELPLINE

1-844-7NATIVE (762-8483)

National Suicide Prevention HOTLINE 

1-800-273-talk (8255)

National Human Trafficking HOTLINE 

1-888-373-7888 | TEXT 233-733

“Pardon Our Dust” – while our website is undergoing  Renovation, and our Blog is under Construction. . .  


I am sharing an email that I received on September 1, 2022, from Dawson Church – EFT Universe. . .

Dear Karen,
As I meet the remarkable women in our healing community, I’m struck by how extraordinary they are. But…

At a recent workshop, I worked with a woman we’ll call “Gina.” She had a lot going for her – excellent health, a long-term relationship, a creative job, and good social skills.

But she didn’t feel satisfied, and could not put her finger on “why.” Gina just knew she wasn’t living the big life that was possible for her.

My dear friend Claire Zammit is the co-founder of Evolving Wisdom. She’s worked with over a million women like Gina, helping them create more.

More meaningful relationships. More creative expression. More success. More alignment with their gifts and values. More vibrant health. More confidence and joy.

If you feel this pull to live a larger life, like Gina, but also feel like it is just beyond your reach, I want you to know you’re not alone.

Claire has discovered that there’s a very specific invisible barrier that blocks women from living into their highest potential.

She’s also discovered the one simple but powerful shift that women MUST make to move past this barrier so they can access their power to create a life that reflects their true value and possibilities.

To help you make that shift, Claire has written an ebook called The Visionary’s Guide to Empowering Women.  (Link below – download FREE e-book)

In it, she shares a single powerful shift you can make to leap forward into the larger life that’s calling you — or as Claire likes to put it: your destiny.
The possibilities you feel for your gifts, purpose, prosperity, relationships, health, creativity, impact, and contribution are REAL.
Don’t settle for only living a fraction of your potential, because the world needs your brilliance, gifts and talents right now!
