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1-800-656-HOPE (4673)

National Domestic Violence HOTLINE


Strong Hearts Native HELPLINE

1-844-7NATIVE (762-8483)

National Suicide Prevention HOTLINE 

1-800-273-talk (8255)

National Human Trafficking HOTLINE 

1-888-373-7888 | TEXT 233-733

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These Red Flags are for Over the Road Drivers, but everyone should learn to recognize them.

Human trafficking is modern-day slavery. Traffickers use force, fraud and coercion to control their victims. Any minor engaged in commercial sex is a victim of human trafficking. While the initial purchase of victims may occur online, the real-time sale of victims can happen in many locations, including truck stops, restaurants, rest areas, hotels/motels, strip clubs, private homes, etc.

Professional drivers are the eyes and ears of our nation’s highways. If you see a minor working any of those areas or suspect that the person selling sex is under someone else’s control in order to make a quota, call the National Human Trafficking Hotline and report a tip. If you are witnessing a crime in progress, please call 911.

What to look for:
  • Lack of knowledge of their whereabouts; not in control of ID/passport
  • Restricted or controlled communication – not allowed to speak for self
  • CB chatter about “commercial company” or flashing lights signaling “buyer” location
  • Acknowledgment of a pimp and making a quota
  • A van or RV that seems out of place out by trucks; a vehicle dropping someone off at a truck and picking them up 15-20 minutes later

Warning: Please do not approach traffickers.
Allow law enforcement to deal with traffickers and recover victims. Approaching traffickers is not only dangerous for you and their victims but could lead to problems in the eventual prosecution of traffickers.

These Red Flags are for Local Drivers, but everyone should learn to recognize them.

While on the job, local drivers may encounter human trafficking situations on the road and in the neighborhood. Below we have listed some specific red flag indicators for both. If human trafficking is ever suspected, please make an anonymous call to the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-3737-888. If you are witnessing a crime in progress, please call 911.

On the Move

Whether loading or unloading, parked on a break or to fuel up, keep an eye out for the following red flags

  • Any time you see a minor engage in a commercial sex act
  • Any time you believe you are witnessing someone under the control of a pimp, regardless of the age or gender of the victim
  • If a passenger vehicle pulls into the truck parking area of a rest area or truck stop and multiple people (usually females) get out of the vehicle and begin going from truck to truck
  • Any time you hear a suspected victim mentioning that he/she has to make a quota
  • People that seem to have a lack of knowledge of their surroundings or area
  • Someone that appears to have restricted or controlled communication or is unable to speak for her/himself
  • Suspected victims that have signs of branding (tattooing that would indicate ownership of a particular trafficker)

In the Neighborhood … around residences and businesses

Wherever your route takes you, when you’re in and around homes, apartment complexes and local businesses, keep an eye out for the following red flags …

  • Lots of traffic (different cars and typically men) coming in and out of one particular residence or business
  • Extreme security measures on homes and businesses that appear out of place
    • Barred or covered windows
    • Barbed wire
    • Exterior cameras covering multiple angles
    • Locked front doors with entrances in the alley
  • If your job takes you inside a place of business, keep an eye out for workers who appear to live there.
  • If you approach a residence or business, pay attention to what you’re hearing … is there any shouting taking place? Are threats being made? Do you hear anyone asking for help?
  • Pay attention to any potential victims that may be visible. Do you see anyone who looks distressed or upset, crying or fearful?

Rideshare drivers

Rideshare drivers should pay attention to those in their vehicles especially … as sometimes their services are used to transport victims in between dates …

  • Do you hear talk about a pimp or needing to make a quota?
  • Does the individual seem distressed at all?
  • If they are with someone else, do you detect any coercion?
  • Does the person look underaged?
  • From a labor trafficking perspective, when picking up meals from a restaurant, do you observe any employees who always seem to be working or always being watched?
  • Have you observed if the employees are able to move about freely and leave the premises if they so choose?
  • If you’re able to speak with them, you can ask them if they are free to leave, feel safe or need your help. Pay particular attention to their demeanor … do they seem nervous talking to you? Are they even free to strike up a conversation?