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Articles and "Hard Core" Self-Defense Videos

Including DIM MAK (“The  Touch of Death”)

3 Videos – You can watch these in less than 1 minute!!!

8 Self-Defense Moves Every Woman Needs to Know


Self-defense is protection

“Walking home alone and feeling uneasy? Getting a weird vibe from a stranger on the bus? Many of us have been there.

“In a January 2018 survey of 1,000 women nationwide, 81 percent reported experiencing some form of sexual harassment, assault, or both in their lifetime.

“Verbal harassment was the most common form, but 51 percent of women said they were touched or groped in an unwelcome way, while 27 percent of women survived sexual assault.

“Even if you’ve personally never felt yourself in a situation that made you feel physically unsafe, having reassurance about your next steps (and what you can do to help yourself should the unfortunate circumstance ever happen) can make all the difference.

“A study from the University of Oregon found that women who participated in a self-defense class felt they:

  • had better safety strategies in place
  • were more equipped to deal with strangers, and people they know, in the context of potential assault or abuse
  • had more positive feelings about their bodies
  • had increased self-confidence

“Below are our top eight self-defense moves for women — complete with instructions — to help you feel empowered to defend yourself in any situation.”

Focus on the vulnerable areas

Focus on your attacker’s vulnerable places: eyes, nose, throat, and groin. Aim all of the moves below at one or several of these areas to have maximum impact.


Don’t aim for the chest, as that tends to be ineffective. Aiming for the knees requires a specific kick that can be too risky for the average person.

Use all of your force and aggression during execution. Make it known that you’re a powerful lady. Use your voice, too. Be loud to intimidate the attacker and create attention in case somebody is nearby.

1. Hammer strike

Using your car keys is one of the easiest ways to defend yourself. Don’t use your fingernails, because you’re more at risk to injure your hands.

Instead, if you feel unsafe while walking at night, have your keys stick out from one side of your fist for hammer strikes.

Click to read the other 7 in  8 Self-Defense Moves Every Woman Should Practice (


How to Escape a Rape or Sexual Assault
    • 5 Rape Situations
    • How to Avoid Escalating to a Rape
    • Defense Tactics & Tools
    • Last Ditch Efforts and the Decision to Survive
    • #MeToo and What About You
Anti-Rape Martial Arts & Fitness

May 10, 2020 

My Defense Tool an amazing tool for law abiding citizens to carry in case of an emergency. Imagine a tool that fits in your hand, you can use to defend against a thug (rape, muggings etc.) and you’ll have their DNA on the self defense tool.. I have been running a successful martial arts/fitness center since 1998.

Held in a Car Against your Will 3 Ways to Defend and Escape

We are living in a violent and crazy world today. If you and your family were held captive in the back seat of an automobile with child safety locks on and you could not escape would you know what to do? This video will teach you some simple ways on how to incapacitate the predator and escape.

3 ways to incapacitate a person that is holding you in the back seat of a car against your own will. You could be in an Uber, taxi or being abducted. Picture this horrifying scenario you are in the back seat of an Uber they put the child locks on and you can not get out. Who knows what they can do to you. You must act quickly. This video will give you 3 easy defense to help you survive a possible violent or deadly encounter.”

Julio Anta of Anta’s Fitness and Self Defense EST 1998 will give you 3 simple techniques to incapacitate the aggressor holding you captive in the back seat of a car.

  • Seatbelt Choke
  • Eye Rake
  • Choke Eye Rake

Practice all 3 in a safe environment carefully without injuring your training g partner. Then choose the one you like best and continue to practice that one. This will augment your chances of surviving an abduction and an act of violence while in the back seat of a car.”

Julio Anta is a retired Corrections Officer, honorably discharged from the United States Marine Corps and was an FDLE (Florida Department of Law Enforcement) instructor.

You cannot let your guard down, EVEN WHEN YOU’RE AT HOME!!!

How to Escape a Physical or Sexual Assault

[Please read these VERY INFORMATIVE articles WITH ILLUSTRATIONS!!!!!]


By Joseph Bautista – Self-Defense Specialist, Martial Arts Instructor

To prevent any type of attack, practice situational awareness and pay attention to your surroundings. When in public, look as far in front of you as you can, check your left, your right, and behind you. Make sure you don’t see anybody that is paying too much attention to you. Also, hone your verbal de-escalation skills by practicing phrases like “Sorry, I can’t help you” in various tones—polite, assertive, aggressive. Then, when you’re in a situation where that statement could help, you won’t freeze up because of the adrenaline.”

Take Someone Down

When faced with an opponent, it may be necessary to take the person down in order to defend yourself. Many strategies provide effective ways to take someone down without extensive training. In wrestling, several moves are designed specifically to bring your opponent to the mat. If you find yourself being attacked by another person, using defensive techniques can neutralize your attacker and bring them down.”

Click Here for
Free Self-Defense for Seniors
Page 1 = 105 Free Videos!

(And there are even MORE!)

Self-Defense for Seniors- Simple Self-Defense
Tips for Senior Citizens

(IMPACT Safety)

“Are you concerned about self-defense for senior citizens? Keeping our older loved ones safe might not be as challenging as you believe.

“Did you know that:

✅ a clear, strong, assertive voice can deter about 70% of attempted assaults that happen in public?

✅ most of the abuse that our senior citizens suffer comes at the hands of people they know?

Family members and caregivers are the most common sources of elder abuse.

✅ many people suffer from physical, financial, or emotional abuse because they don’t feel comfortable speaking up for themselves.

Watch Dr. Julie Harmon deliver a self-defense training for senior citizens.

“In this hour-long video, she

[21:56] leads the group through some simple exercises that help them send strong self-defense messages.

[53:44] listens to stories about attempted financial fraud and highlights what these senior citizens did well.

[03:29] and

[58:13] guides them through some of the myths and realities about the dangers senior citizens face most often.” 

Self-Defense for Seniors?
How to Keep Yourself Safe (and Confident!)  


There is a reason that older adults tend to fall victim to violent crimes more than others… we are perceived (often correctly) as being less capable of fighting back. Of course, it is possible to learn how to defend yourself at any age. And, if you do, you will find that not only does self-defense help you to stay safe… it also boosts your confidence! 

An Essential Guide to Self-Defense Every Boomer Woman Should Read | Sixty and Me


Read these amazing real life stories of how martial arts saved liveswatch the videos, and get inspired.

1) Restaurant worker uses martial arts to protect herself from rape

2) Muay Thai fighter protects herself from muggers

3) MMA fighter takes down 2 robbers

4) Policewoman protects herself with Muay Thai

5) 63-year-old disarms a robber with rear naked choke

6) Russian girl beats up cellphone thief

7) BJJ student takes out cinema gunman

8) Female US Navy Sailor puts rapist to sleep

Click Here for Videos



The Best Places to Hit An Assailant (FeaturedManly SkillsTactical SkillsVisual Guides

Patrick Hutchison • June 8, 2018 • Last updated: October 5, 2020)

Regardless of your level of training, one piece of know-how you should have deeply ingrained in your mind is where to direct your blows should you find yourself in an altercation. What places of your attacker’s body should you aim for if you’re looking to cause the most damage and get the most “bang for your buck”?

The best places to hit someone are the most sensitive parts of the body, including the eyes, ears, nose, and groin. But there are also many other spots where thick bones don’t protect the body’s super sensitive nerves and organs. Knowing multiple pressure points like this can help you fend off your attacker better because they won’t be able to protect all these vulnerable places at once.

The numbered list below correlates to the above illustration; keep in mind that striking these areas can cause serious injury or even death — only utilize such blows when you’re truly threatened with death or serious bodily harm. When you are though, the rules of polite society and even the sporting ring are thrown out the window; you must be willing to fight “dirty” and do what you must to incapacitate your assailant.”

1. Base of skull/neck – Also known as a rabbit punch, hitting someone at the base of the skull can cause spinal cord injuries. Punching this area is not to be taken lightly and used only as a last resort.

2. Kidneys – A successful kidney shot will deal a great amount of initial and lingering pain to a person’s back and abdominal area. Make sure to aim your shot up and under their rib cage for maximum effectiveness.

3. Tailbone – The tip of the tailbone is a small, sensitive bone. If struck with a hard shoe or boot at the right angle, it can easily break, sending waves of crippling pain into your attacker’s rear end, lower back, and legs.

4. Jaw hinge – Knocking someone here, just below the ear, can break their jaw and end most fights in an instant.

5. Side of neck – This classic chop spot isn’t just for kung fu movies. Give someone a stern hit to the side of the neck and carotid artery and you could hit the vagus nerve. When this nerve is struck, it can cause severe dizziness and possibly knock someone out.

6. Base of throat (trachea) – The trachea is one of the most sensitive spots on the body and should be treated with real respect. Even a light punch to the trachea can collapse a larynx and cause someone to choke. Strike this area only as a last resort and be aware of the consequences.

7. Armpit – A sharp fingertip punch to the armpit can deaden a person’s arm and leave them vulnerable to other attacks.

8. Solar plexus – The solar plexus is that soft spot between the bottom of your sternum and the top of your stomach. A strong kick or punch to the solar plexus will easily knock the wind out of someone.


9. Bladder – A bladder shot can cause extreme lingering pain and, if the assailant’s bladder is full, also force the discharge of urine.

10. Knees – The ligaments and tendons that hold a knee in place aren’t strong enough to withstand hard lateral movements. Kicking someone’s knee to the side can cause a tear that will disable any attacker.

11. Ankles – A good stomp to someone’s ankle can easily break the joint or the ligaments that hold it together, especially if you’re wearing heavy boots.

12. Groin – We all know what this can do.

13. Chin – Striking someone on the chin can knock someone out because it forces the head to twist so suddenly and severely that it rattles the brain.

14. Temple – Similar to a chin hit, a strong punch to a soft temple can cause extreme brain trauma that can easily knock someone unconscious.

15. Nose – It doesn’t take much to break a nose; as little as seven pounds of pressure will do it. The blood and pain that result will stop many opponents. Plus, a broken nose also activates a person’s tear ducts, causing even more disorientation.

16. Eyes – Hitting or gouging someone in the eyes is a last resort as it can permanently damage an attacker’s vision. But, even light gouging can force an ocean of tears that make it hard for him to see.


Why Has It Become Important For Women To Learn Martial Arts?

September 17, 2020 (4 min read)

“Women’s self-defense is necessary. All the women on this planet should be well trained to keep themselves safe from sexual predators. The crime against women has increased in recent years. It is important t to be strong physically and mentally. The traumas of such crimes leave scars for life.

Why should women learn martial arts? The answer is obvious. Martial arts for women is a must nowadays. The crimes and the plight of several women have encouraged many of us to learn martial arts. We need to protect ourselves. We cannot depend on others for our protection.

“Why Is It Important To Learn Martial Art?

There are so many benefits of martial arts for women.

It is important to defend yourself from any sexual predator. The number of reported cases of rape has increased in recent times. Women’s self-defence is important.
Many women become victims of acid attacks. We need to be careful of our surrounding and alert in every situation.
Women are put into prostitution. We need to defend our spirit. We need to fight against those who try to make us do things against our wills.
Honour killing is still prevailing in many parts of the world. You are an independent woman. You have your rights. You are not a liability. No one should harm you.

Many women are trafficked and sold as a commodity. We need to fight and get out of such a situation.
Martial art will teach you to focus all the anger in the right direction. It will be a great way to manage your anger.
Martial art is a great career option. Nowadays, more and more women are getting into martial arts and sports.
It is a great way to stay healthy.
It will help you in concentrating. Martial arts increase the span of your focus.
Other than being a great medium for women’s self-defence; martial art is about discipline.


co-authored by wikiHow Staff | Last Updated: May 1, 2020 References Approved

“While there is no such thing as a “pressure point” as depicted in the movies, there are certainly plenty of sensitive parts on the body that you can use to your advantage when you’re being attacked. Striking a vulnerable area on your opponent’s body can turn a fight in your favor by knocking them down, disarming them, or helping you gain control of their body. Major targets on your opponent’s body include the eyes, neck, knee, groin, and gut. Only hit an opponent in one of their sensitive areas if you’re being actively attacked, as hitting or kicking a vulnerable area can cause permanent damage and may even lead to death.”

See also, Dim Mak below.

No matter how many precautions you take to avoid getting into a bad situation, trouble may still find you.

When that happens, you need to know how to defend yourself.  (

A good weapon can keep you from being turned into a statistic.

So, what are some good self defense weapons?”

Click here to see the 13 Best Self Defense Weapons (That Are Legal!)


For those of you who live in Las Vegas, NevadaCampbell Defense Academy offers Self-Defense Training, Empowerment Seminars, CCW, ACT, Home Invasion seminars, Corporate Team Building Seminars, Firearms Training and More!!

The Campbell Defense Academy was founded by people passionate about shooting, firearms safety and defending themselves & loved ones. We believe that no one should ever have to feel scared to be alone, or nervous about a simple walk at night. We strive to provide the best, most effective techniques available to assist everyday citizen’s in their journey to becoming more confident!”

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Women seeking self defense classes Vegas News Now
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Please read and watch video DIM MAK (“The Touch of Death“).

Every potential predator should know that (as a Member of Papillon Z)

you know at least one of these moves, too!


A martial arts teacher named Pai Mei kept his Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique secret from all of his students, except one.  It is a death blow that once executed, kills any opponent after they have taken five steps. The move consists of a series of powerful jabs from the fingertips into five different pressure points on the victim’s body.  Once finished, the victim is then allowed to walk away. However, once they take five steps, their heart literally explodes inside their body, killing them instantly. 

The touch of death (or death-point striking) refers to any martial arts technique reputed to kill using seemingly less than lethal force targeted at specific areas of the body.

And as mentioned briefly in the preceding section for its appearances in East Asian popular culture, Dim Mak does in fact play a prominent role in “Kill Bill: Volume 2,” a 2004 American martial arts film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino.

The concept known as dim mak (simplified Chinese: 点脉; traditional Chinese: 點脈; pinyin: diǎnmài; Jyutping: dim2 mak6; lit. ‘press artery’), alternatively diǎnxué (simplified Chinese: 点穴; traditional Chinese: 點穴) traces its history to traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture. Tales of its use are often found in the Wuxia genre of Chinese martial arts fiction. Dim mak is depicted as a secret body of knowledge with techniques that attack pressure points and meridians, said to incapacitate or sometimes cause immediate or even delayed death to an opponent. Little scientific or historical evidence exists for a martial arts “touch of death”, although it has been confirmed that trauma may cause disproportionately catastrophic consequences when applied to known pressure points under specific circumstances.[1] Commotio cordis, for example, is an often lethal disruption of heart rhythm that occurs as a result of a blow to the area directly over the heart (the precordial region), at a critical time during the cycle of a heart beat causing cardiac arrest.

The concept known as vibrating palm originates with the Chinese martial arts Neijing (“internal”) energy techniques that deal with the qi energy and the type of force (jin) used. It is depicted as “a technique that is part psychic and part vibratory, this energy is then focused into a wave”.[2]

The Real Dim Mak The Death Touch
Sep 23, 2015
Additional Reading

The Science Behind Dim Mak death touch Includes dim mak history, theories, techniques, and the medical science behind dim mak, kyusho, pressure points, and vital points

Dr. Michael Kelly has spent years studying the medical effects of dim mak and has found a great deal of medical research that provides evidence of dim mak’s lethal effects. He has compiled all of his research into a new book, which explains the effects of dim mak on the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Topics such as the delayed death touch, knockouts, and attacking the internal organs are explained in detail using modern medical science. The book has been written in a format that will assist one in finding the dim mak applications contained within the traditional forms of many styles. 


The Essential Guide to Dim Mak Pressure Points (PDF document)

Dim Mak: Martial Arts Touch of Death – Black Belt Magazine

(Excerpt:  “Blows to the carotid sinus via stomach- 9 can damage or cause small tears on the inside of the carotid artery, which can cause blood clots leading to occlusion and subsequent stroke or death. Medical science has found that the plaques develop during childhood, so even young people are at some risk, albeit small, if a blow breaks off a piece of plaque which then travels to the brain.”



UDEMY is now offering its Martial Arts Dim Mak  course* for $17.99

(“The 26 Most Effective Dim Mak points”) 

  • No previous experience needed. All martial artist can use this understanding of Dim Mak to enhance their training.
    • This course is for practitioners of ALL martial arts styles.
    • Practice martial arts already or just interested in finding out more about the martial arts? Understanding Dim Mak is a major piece of the puzzle !