Resources * Professional Services * Support for Survivors * Empowerment * Health & Wellness * Mental Health * Mindfulness * Positivity * And…In the Alternative (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube Channels, Websites, Blogs, Books, Podcasts, -eNewsletters, Tools & Tips) & Much More!!!

French for “assembly” or “editing” – mixture of different things; producing a new composite whole from fragments of pictures, text, or music; communicate a large amount of information to an audience over a shorter span of time. (Or simply…“a little bit of this…and a little bit of that”…)
The idea for MONTAGE came to me after I noticed how so many of my Instagram Followers have so much relevant and important information to share and offer!!! (Articles & Blogs, Books, Classes (Virtual), Support Groups & Services, Podcasts, YouTube Channels, Professional Services, etc specifically addressing Prevention of Sexual Assault, etc. and Support Services for Survivors) While researching their websites, I found some very important information on Trauma Therapy and Healing modalities that I want to share, as well.
We will be sharing resources for Survivor Support; Safety & Prevention (Education/Training + Awareness = Prevention); as well as Empowerment, Health & Wellness; and Mental Health & Mindfulness, Positivity, Alternative “therapies” and much more!
We will continue to add more information to MONTAGE~ALTERNATIVES. Visit often!!! (Some have already offered a discount, and others may eventually have a special offer or discount available for Papillon Z Members.)
So, MONTAGE~ALTERNATIVES will be an expanding work- in-progress as we continue to reach out to some very amazing people.
PLEASE KNOW…MONTAGE~ALTERNATIVES includes information from unique IG accounts, websites, and a variety of people and organizations ~ some may offer blogs; books; podcasts; services and support groups; products; classes/courses; motivational, inspirational, educational and mental health content, professional services and support; YouTube channels; and more. The information is invaluable, and it’s important to share this information with Papillon Z Members (for Survivor Support, as well as Prevention), as well as anyone else who visits our website, and views MONTAGE~ALTERNATIVES .
We have no affiliate relationships with any of these accounts, individuals, organizations, businesses, etc. on Instagram
and we do not profit from sharing this information in any way.*
*However, there are several vendors (not Instagram accounts) with whom we do have an affiliate relationship, and we may receive a fee if a product is purchased.
My Hope and Belief…
the Universe will make the connections for those who need it, when they need it.
While Papillon Z promotes PREVENTION of Sexual Assault, we acknowledge that MANY are Survivors of Sexual Assault, etc.
So, we provide many Resources in National and State Resources, as well as our new ALTERNATIVES MONTAGE page, that offer Support and Services to Survivors.
Our first Featured Guest is Tambry Harris, Founder of Going Forward: Survivors to Thrivers, and Author of Awakening the Light.

Our first Featured Guest is Tambry Harris, Founder of Going Forward: Survivors to Thrivers, and Author of Awakening the Light.
You Deserve A Badass Life!
Montage Topics
(Child Sexual Abuse/Incest/CSAM, Domestic & Intimate Partner Abuse & Violence, Human Trafficking, Narcissistic Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Trauma & Violence)
Alternative/Holistic Therapy ♦ Art Therapy ♦ Crystals ♦ Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT) ♦ Healing with Colors, Food & Creativity ♦
Holistic Health ♦ Hypnotherapy ♦ Meditation ♦ Music/Sound Healing ♦ Plant Therapy ♦ Reiki & Chakra Healing ♦
Trauma Therapy/Trauma-Sensitive Yoga
Please remember, you can find 30 categories of National Resources for PREVENTION and Survivors’ Support and Services on this website, as well.
There are many Resources for Culturally-Specific individuals, including Indigenous Women, LGBTQ+, Native Americans, Seniors,
Deaf/Disabled, Teens & Students (18+), Survivors of Trafficking, U.S. Military, Veterans, and more!
(Child Sexual Abuse/Incest/CSAM, Domestic & Intimate Partner Abuse & Violence, Human Trafficking, Narcissistic Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Trauma & Violence)
Please click for National Resources for Additional Services and Support.
Understanding Child Sexual Abuse
What is Child Sexual Abuse?
How Common is Child Sexual Abuse?
Where Can Child Sexual Abuse Happen?
Signs of Child Sexual Abuse
Preventing Child Sexual Abuse
Long Term Consequences of Child Sexual Abuse
What To Do if You or Someone You Know Has Experienced Child Sexual Abuse
Statute of Limitations for Child Sexual Abuse Survivors

SURVIVORS CAN CHANGE THE WORLD! Links to over 150 Allies & Sister Organizations that offer Survivors’ Support and Services. Tons of Information and Resources are available!!
@survivorsmovement | Stand Up Speak Up | Survivors of sexual abuse are fighting back and mobilizing a new social movement, a great social movement approaching the power and influence of the Civil Rights Movement and the Women’s Movement. There is a dramatic shift in political power, judicial accountability, legislative action, and social awareness.
After years of silence, survivors are coming forward to forge this new movement which has shifted the balance of power and created hundreds of national organizations in the last twenty years.
Information & Support for Survivors
Online Dating App Safety Tips
How to Report Sexual Assault & Abuse
Child Sexual Abuse (Church, Schools, Foster Care, etc.)
Child Sexual Abuse
Grooming: Know the Warning Signs (Children, Teens, Adults)

@SurvivorstoThrivers | Survivors to Thrivers – Community of sexual abuse survivors and supporters seeking to stop the silence and shame and encouraging the hope and healing that leads to thriving!
(Podcasts, Books, Blog, Thriver Tribe Newsletter | Website: Going Forward-Survivors to Thrivers
Tambry Harris, Founder
Going Forward: Survivors to Thrivers

Since 2004, Joyful Heart has been a leading national organization with a mission to transform society’s response to sexual assault, domestic violence, and child abuse, support survivors’ healing, and end this violence forever.
(Donate, Fundraise, Advocate!)
SUPPORT by shopping at HEARTSHOP

@MariNeliStory | Personal blog and Author | Sharing my true story,ups and down↕️twists and turns of life🌪.Christian🙏🏽,Cancer Thriver🎀,Dog Lover💞,Adoptee🇨🇴💔,Abuse Thriver💙💜,Author📖, Athletic💪🏽😅

Mari Neli Bejarano Beltran is married, has four daughters, and her first grandchild is on the way. She plans to use her harrowing personal experiences to reach out to children and people all over the world in hopes of reaching those who feel like no one cares or understands what they are going through. This is her first book.
When desperate family circumstances in Colombia send young Mari and her sisters to an orphanage for adoption, her biological family thought they would have a better life in America. However, no one could have anticipated the awful reality that awaited them, shattering all images of the American dream. Terrifying living conditions and appalling abuse drove Mari down a dark path to violent outbursts, anger management issues, promiscuity, and drug addiction in an attempt to find an escape any way possible. In spite of these overwhelming circumstances, she changed the course of her life and, through God’s love, not only found herself but the strength and faith to break the chains of abuse.

@in.cestaware | INCEST AWARE | Founded by Suzanne Isaza
One year and counting! 😁 On our anniversary, we are celebrating the Incest AWARE team and our plans for ending incest abuse and helping survivors to find support and healing. Meet us here! #metooincest #incestaware | Website:
RESOURCES: Personal Support, Survivor Resources, Legal Resources, Resources for Teens, Helping Survivors, Intervention, Outspoken Series – The Heal Project (,

@sariknock | 𝑨𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓 l “Suffer Quietly” a memoir. There is ALWAYS hope and light in the darkness.
Click Here to Read More about Sari and Suffer Quietly.

@peaceransomlv | Peace – Anxiety & Trauma Relief |Alternative & Holistic Health Service | “I’m a survivor of sexual, mental, emotional, narcissistic, spiritual, and physical abuse from my childhood on well into my thirties until I began my healing journey.”

Alternative & Holistic Health Service Yoga & Sound Healing for Stress, Anxiety Disorders & Trauma | Follow for tips to release anxiety & trauma | Offerings & Support Groups in bio | Newsletter | | Website:
Click to read more of Peace’s Story

@domesticshelters | Domestic Shelters |
The largest searchable online and mobile directory of domestic violence programs and shelters in the U.S. and Canada providing visitors the ability to find services best suited to their needs, plus helpful articles, videos, surveys, podcasts and mobile apps!
We make finding the right shelter and information about domestic violence easier. Instead of searching the Internet, it is all right here. We’ve painstakingly verified information on shelters in LA to shelters in NY, and every domestic violence program in between. If you or a friend is suffering from physical abuse, emotional abuse, psychological abuse or verbal abuse, this free service can help. Select domestic violence programs based on location, service and language needs. Find 24-hour hotlines in your area, service listings, and helpful articles on domestic violence statistics, signs and cycles of abuse, housing services, emergency services, legal and financial services, support groups for women, children and families, and more.
A free service of non-profit Theresa’s Fund.
Check out these domestic violence podcasts and mobile apps

@blossomandgrowllc | Blossom & Grow, LLC they/them/theirs Community Organization | Encouraging survivors of Domestic Violence to “Grow Thru what you Go Thru” – using holistic plant therapy methods and classes against DV/SA/HT
Blossom & Grow’s mission— to bring a renewed sense of healing to Survivors of Domestic Violence, Rape, Teen Dating Violence and Sex Trafficking and their families through Plant Therapy Workshops and Plant Therapy Sessions/Plant Therapy family nights and group activities.
We at Blossom and Grow believe the way to end the cycle of Domestic Violence is to initiate the healing process with the survivors and their families. We believe in obtaining housing assistance, life skills classes and an emergency place to stay during the tumultuous time are important parts of the process to getting the family back on their feet–but how do you give them the skills to never allow themselves to be put in this situation again?

We have designed workshops/plant therapy days/nights for the whole family ages: 6-9, 10-13, 14-17, and 18-up! We cover areas such as Domestic Violence, Rape, Teen Dating Violence and Sex Trafficking Survival, as well with more classes being created regularly.
We want to be able to propose these sessions for family night/days plant to our local and nationwide Domestic Violence Shelters, libraries, community centers, churches and other community groups childcare facilities, rehabs, adult medical daycares, nursing homes, assisted living facilities. #dvsurvivor #planttherapy #iloveplants #ilovegardening #growthroughwhatyougothrough #wearegrowing #mentalhealthmatters #rooted #gofundme

@we2me2 |from Me too to We TOO – A VR Social Network for Empowering Sexual Violence Survivors
We too is a VR Social Network for the use of Sexual Violence Survivors. We are trying to empower sexual harassment survivors, socially and mentally.
Real-time Group Sessions | Group sessions in different verticals will be held in our VR social network, where the users can talk about their experience, feelings, concerns and etc.
Newsletter & Blog, too

Taking advantage of VR technology and the miracle of peer support and group therapy, we provide the survivors of sexual harassment with a chance to speak up and express all their concerns and also help their peers to pass the trauma with telling their stories.

The term “sexual violence” is an all-encompassing, non-legal term that refers to crimes like sexual assault, harassment, rape, and sexual abuse. Unfortunately, sexual violence is far more common than most would suspect and it does not happen only in developing countries.
“I am a survivor of Narcissistic Abuse. I created this Podcast with the intention of sharing my story, explaining what happened, and the Power I am finding on the road to recovery and healing.”
“Music is such an integral part of narcissistic abuse recovery. So I’d like to share some songs that get me inspired and motivated and make me feel powerful.
This is a battle song. Brothers and Sisters. Time. To Go. To War!” (Follow on Spotify, YouTube Music or YouTube for the full Song of the Day Playlist -Just search “Dimming the Gaslight Playlist“) or Click Here

Narcissistic Abuse Victims and Survivors (who were able to leave their abusers) post such helpful information on Instagram, have Podcasts and websites, and other ways of spreading Hope for Healing and Recovery.
Many of these people are still on their own Healing Journey and want to share their stories to try to Help Others!
We will continue to add as we learn of others!
Narcissistic Abuse by Shannon MacBride, Melanie Blackwood | Audiobook | (Available on Amazon)
Recovering from Emotional Abuse and Healing After Narcissistic Relationship.
How to Fight Narcissism, Manipulation, and Codependency to Get Your Freedom Back
By: Shannon MacBride, Melanie Blackwood
Narrated by: Elizabeth Wilson
Length: 5 hrs and 7 min
5.0 out of 5 stars!!!
@paintopower (Podcasts) “Narcissistic Abuse Survivor 💜 New Yorker 🗽 Straight shooter 🗣 Healing Mentor ✨ Tiktok 21K+ | Pain To Power survivor retreat coming summer 2022”
@narcissist_survivor [@Dimming_the_ Gaslight] “Narcissistic Abuse Survivor. If you would like to be on the show, please email” (Podcast on Spotify)
@narcissisticabuse_survivors “Everywhere. Resource to help survive narcissistic abuse, parental alienation, gaslighting. I respond to DM’s to help provide free resources and advice.”
@thriving.after.the.narcissist “Thriving After The Narc | Personal blog | Dedicated to my Nex, the covert narc – the most vile human being I have ever had the displeasure of knowing.”
@narcissist_quotes “Narcissistic Abuse. If your ex is a narcissist or you’re unsure, please follow this page for quotes of strength to get you through hard times ♥️ Believe in yourself ♥️”
@recoveringfromnarcabuse “Narcissistic Abuse Recovery. Coach | 🦋 Qualified Life Coach | 🦋 Survivor of an emotionally abusive relationship | 📩 Queries: | ⬇️ Enquire about coaching.”
@narcissistic_abuse_partner “Personal blog. 10 years in abusive marriage with narcissist. I feel like I can help others while helping myself to get out of the trap. This is my survival therapy.” 💜
@noneedtoexplainpodcast “Mental Health Mamas Podcast. We ALL have mental health. The Mental Health Mamas are on a mission to normalize the conversation around mental health.”

@claras_voice | Kaytlyn “Kaytee” Gillis, LCSW-BACS | Psychotherapist | Healing for all survivors of post separation abuse, IPV and family trauma.
At present I am only offering telehealth sessions.
Blog: Invisible Bruises – Psychology Today

Podcast on Spotify: Kaytee with a Why (Discussing the whys of our behavior through a trauma informed lens

Hi! I am Kaytee. I am a licensed clinical social worker/psychotherapist, and I have been in the field for over 10 years. I specialize in working with survivors of family trauma, family dysfunction, and IPV and abuse.
Please feel free to email me to ask questions to determine if I am a good fit for you.

“Gillis navigates the courtroom battle with readers while giving tips for minimizing the risk of re-traumatization.

@thesurvivorstoolbox | Survivor’s Toolbox | Online platform for survivors of sexual violence
New home after Instagram deactivation. Venmo @survivorstoolbox | Founder @desdemonadallas |
You can learn how to prevent sexual assault! HOW???
Empowerment Self-Defense!!!
~ a set of awareness, assertiveness, verbal confrontation skills with safety strategies and
physical techniques that enable someone to successfully escape, resist and survive violent attacks!!!
Read More Empowerment


Peace Over Violence (Since 1971 ~ over 50 Years!)
Empowerment Self-Defense helps individuals develop easy-to-use techniques such as awareness, assertiveness, and verbal confrontation skills in combination with safety strategies and physical techniques to prevent, resist, and escape violent assaults.

Peace Over Violence’s Empowerment Self-Defense courses provide psychological awareness and verbal skills, not just physical training. Click Here to Read More
Our programs empower women and children to prevent crime and victimization, break the myths surrounding violence against women, and develop simple, easy-to-use self-defense techniques.
Participation in self-defense classes encourages you to think in terms of options and choices, develops your awareness and assertiveness skills and provides practice for physical self-defense techniques. It expands the way you think about violence prevention, helps you deal with your fears and enables you to feel more empowered in your life.
Peace Over Violence offers even more classes:
- Kids Self-Defense & Safety
- Youth Self-Defense & Safety
- Self-Defense & Safety for Women with Disabilities and Senior Citizens
- Personal Security Awareness Training
- Women Warrior Weekend

Self Defense for Badass Women: Strike to Injure and Escape
Award Winning Course*
Self-Defense for Badass Women
*In 2018 the “Survival Science” curriculum won an award for
best online Self Defense Curriculum.“
This course includes:
- 1.5 hours on-demand video
- 14 articles
- Full lifetime access
- Access on mobile and TV
- Certificate of completion

@thorn | Thorn – We build digital tools and programs to defend every child from online sexual abuse. #DefendHappiness #EliminateCSAM
The problem of child sex trafficking and sexual abuse is vast. It’s not isolated to developing countries. It’s happening here. And now.
Abusers are co-opting new and emerging technology to hurt children. Understanding how is key to stopping the abuse.
Reports of child sexual abuse material (CSAM) online have increased 15,000% over the last 15 years. We are not deterred by the size of this epidemic. That’s why we’ve set our sights on a bold goal: we will eliminate child sexual abuse from the internet. Our response to this epidemic must be redesigned for the digital age. It won’t be easy, but it is possible.

Website: Join the fight against child sexual abuse!
Blog, Resources, much more!
Including THORN for Parents
“Parents probably never imagined having to talk to kids about things like sexting, nudes, or online grooming. These conversations are awkward, challenging, and difficult to get started. That’s why we’ve built a new digital resource hub for parents concerned about their kids’ safety as they grow up online.”

A Safe Place | PO Box 1271 | Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 | 855-723-7529 ext 3 |
A Safe Place is an empowerment organization focusing on prevention, advocacy, and restoration to assist victims of commercial sexual exploitation and sex trafficking.
A Safe Place in Wilmington, NC has 1-hour training online, entitled “Online Predators, Trafficking and Social Media” – available virtually in the morning, afternoon, or evening. Someone from the FBI and the DA’s office is usually involved.
Please contact or 910-233-8612.

Comfort in the Storm | Advocate * Educate * Comfort
@comfortinthestorm | Comfort in the Storm
Posts for Survivors, Moms, Dads and more on their website:
Kathy and Richard are the husband and wife team behind Comfort In The Storm. They are credentialed advocates (NACP), authors, and the parents of a child sex abuse survivor.
Given their unique perspective, they facilitate comprehensive and thought-provoking Child Sex Abuse Prevention and Awareness trainings.
The goal of a good self- defense program!

Empowerment Self-Defense
is a set of awareness, assertiveness, verbal confrontation skills with safety strategies
and physical techniques that enable someone to successfully escape, resist and survive violent attacks.
Click Here to Read More – Empowerment
Click Here to Find an ESD Practitioner

For more information
National Women’s Martial Arts Federation – Empowerment Model (
National Women’s Martial Arts Federation – Self-Defense (
National Women’s Martial Arts Federation – How to Choose a Self-Defense Class (
National Women’s Martial Arts Federation – Find a Self-Defense Instructor (
National Women’s Martial Arts Federation – Characteristics of a Certified Instructor (

This is the perfect time to

Reprinted with permission from IMPACT-Boston.
IMPACT is a personal safety, assertiveness and empowerment self-defense training program. It is part of a comprehensive effort to prevent sexual assault and other acts of interpersonal violence and boundary violations.
Click Here to read more about IMPACT Violence Prevention
and to find a Chapter near you.
No IMPACT Chapter near you? Please click here to find Empowerment Self-Defense Classes and Courses

Lauren Taylor and Lynne Marie Wanamaker ( wrote in their article for The Washington Post, “Actually, Miss USA is right: Self-defense can prevent sexual assault.” that Miss USA 2014, Nia Sanchez of Nevada, told one of the judges that teaching women self-defense could help reduce sexual assaults on college campuses – she’s right. (Unfortunately, sexual assaults on college campuses have only escalated since 2014!!)
Self-Defense Based on Empowerment
The American Medical Association even calls sexual assault an epidemic!!!
Lauren and Lynne (self-defense instructors for more than 25 years) say their approach to self-defense is based on empowerment, focusing on expanding women’s choices in response to harassment, abuse and assault. Lauren and Lynne say that, “Empowerment self-defense teaches skills that are both concrete and flexible. These include interpersonal and environmental awareness, assertiveness, boundary-setting, physical strikes and community-building.
“These tools can help woman ward off sexual predators and deal with harassment and bullying. This matters because interpersonal violence frequently occurs as a series of incidents of escalating intensity. If we can interrupt violence in its early stages, we can decrease the harm it causes.”
More Confidence
When asked if researching women’s self-defense had made her more paranoid, Caroline Cunningham, Associate Editor of the Washingtonian, told her co-worker that after discovering empowerment-based self-defense, “It’s had the opposite effect. It’s made me more aware but also more confident – both in my ability to protect myself and in the fact that my confidence is one of the things that may keep me safe.”

Where can I find an Empowerment self-defense class?
Jenn Cassetta is a keynote speaker, author, self-defense expert and a health & empowerment coach.
Jenn’s Mission is “to help people feel strong, safe and powerful…from the streets to the boardroom.
“I get to do this by speaking to audiences around the world on:
- How to strengthen mind and body to banish burnout
- How to strengthen mind and body to banish burnout
- And how to kick some serious @ss both mentally and physically
From Lauren Taylor:
“… If you want training for your workplace, faith group, neighborhood, teens, health clinic, Girl Scout troop, real estate team, fitness studio, school or after-school program, library – or anyone else – we can do it. Here are some of the skills we can cover. If you don’t see what you want, let us know – it may be something we do!
National Women’s Martial Arts Federation – Find a Self-Defense Instructor (
Want to learn self-defense?
You’ve come to the right place! Instructors certified by the National Women’s Martial Arts Federation are skilled in both physical and verbal self-defense skills, knowledgeable about violence against women, have strong backgrounds in the martial arts, and support empowerment as a goal of women’s self-defense.
NWMAF Certified Self Defense Instructors are listed here. Contact them directly for more information on classes and workshops in your area. If your area is not listed here, contact your local rape crisis or sexual assault center, or your local YWCA, for referrals.
Empowerment Self-Defense — Peace Over Violence
Empowerment Self-Defense helps individuals develop easy-to-use techniques such as awareness, assertiveness, and verbal confrontation skills in combination with safety strategies and physical techniques to prevent, resist, and escape violent assaults.
Peace Over Violence’s Empowerment Self-Defense courses provide psychological awareness and verbal skills, not just physical training.
In adhering to social distancing protocols, we have modified our self-defense classes to virtual only. Instructors utilize two cameras via Zoom–one for audio and one to display full range of motion for body movement throughout the class. Virtual self-defense classes can be provided in English and Spanish.
Click Here to Find a Practitioner
Click Here to see online workshops
“The Empowerment Self-Defense Alliance works to leverage the collective impact of empowerment self-defense practitioners and influence national dialogue about preventing interpersonal violence. ESDA positions empowerment self-defense as a powerful means of personal and social change with a robust and growing research base demonstrating its efficacy.
“ESDA foregrounds survivors’ agency, awareness of the neuro-biological factors surrounding trauma, and a commitment to social justice as fundamental components of violence prevention.”
Sharing life-saving Krav Maga training so that “one may walk in peace.”
“The Krav Maga Association of America is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that seeks to help create safer and healthier communities by teaching its citizens practical self-defense and communication skills, enabling them to better deal with real life, every day risks. The world can be a dangerous place and we strive to pragmatically address that reality. Krav Maga was developed as a self-defense system that can effectively be used by everyone. In that same vein the Krav Maga Association of America works to empower everyone, everywhere, to learn how to live safer lives.”
- Women’s Empowerment
- Anti-Bullying
Contact Email: Phone Number +1 (800) KRAV MAGA (572-8624)
“Krav Maga Worldwide is a self defense and a martial art organization which has emerged as a leader in the world in the field of personal training, self defense , combat and a lot more. The organization was founded in the year 1997 with an aim to promote Krav Maga throughout the United States and around the world.
“Krav Maga Worldwide is a reality based organization which was emerged to promote this martial art and self-defense training program to the people who wish to become a certified krav maga instructor or increase their fighting skills, build a stronger body or developing a better sense of self-confidence. The organization believes in providing these skills to impart the self-defense program which is essential in today’s word.
“Krav Maga is an official self defense system of Israeli defense forces which is focused on instinctive moments, practical techniques and realistic training scenarios. The organization has about 150 authorized training centers in United States, Canada, Japan, Europe and Mexico. The company has trained over 5,000 law enforcement and military personnel together representing more than 800 military units and government agencies.
“The company has something or the other for every individual. Their trainers are very much experienced and have a dedication in providing training to individuals. This training system teaches you extra ordinary skills which were of great help to any individual in day-to-day life.”
Lesson 3: Positional Control (Mount)
(These 4 Lessons are FREE! There are 32 additional Lessons, which can be done in any order, and only cost $14.00 each. Click here for the Store.)
(PZ does not receive a commission or Affiliate Fee from Gracie University.)
The world’s leading self-defense program for women based on the proven principles of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. Comprised of 20 lessons, women who successfully complete this program will earn their official Pink Belt.

Award Winning Course*
Self-Defense for Badass Women
*In 2018 the “Survival Science” curriculum won an award for best online Self Defense Curriculum.“
This course includes:
- 1.5 hours on-demand video
- 14 articles
- Full lifetime access
- Access on mobile and TV
- Certificate of completion
This course is designed for women, by a woman. Coach Elle Beyer (co-founder of Free Flow Academy – The Largest and Most Diversified Parkour Gym on the West Coast) explains the importance of creating space between you and your attacker, and learning how to escape and flee a dangerous situation. With over 15 years of Martial Arts experience and 7 years of Parkour training, Elle understand what it’s like to be physically vulnerable.

Michael Arterburn (Retired Police Officer) Update Nov. 7, 2022: TikTok canceled his account due to the content of his safety videos for women! He appealed but lost! He still has his Instagram account and will be doing longer videos on his YouTube account! (
Visit @therealpurepower34 for videos, tons of Safety Tips, demos, and important information that could save your life or the life of a loved one! For a little background bio. . .Click to watch video

Ease Into Mornings
(Tai Chi Warm-Up)
Want to melt away morning stiffness and mental fog, so you can start your day feeling loose, calm and awake?
In this workshop, you’ll learn how to:
@regenerationtaichi | 455 posts | 199K followers | 712 following
Tai Chi Empowerment. Helping you feel calm & awake.
Jamie Alonge (he/him) | Tai Chi Empowerment Coach ☯️
Jamie Alonge is an uplifting, empath who has been a Tai Chi practitioner since the late nineties. Combining a kind heart with an intuitive nature, he loves sharing his knowledge of Tai Chi and Qigong principles, encouraging others to calm the mind, reconnect to the body and raise the spirit.
As a certified Tai Chi Instructor he has worked with a range of communities including: assisted senior living, mental health and L.G.B.T.Q.
Excerpt from 9/1/22 email from Dawson Church…
…My dear friend Claire Zammit is the co-founder of Evolving Wisdom. She’s worked with over a million women like Gina, helping them create more.
More meaningful relationships. More creative expression. More success. More alignment with their gifts and values. More vibrant health. More confidence and joy…

Read More in Abuse & Trauma section above.
Invisiwear products work internationally in over 150 countries!

@the.holistic.psychologist | Dr. Nicole LePera, Psychologist | 5.2m Followers
The SELFHEALER SOUNDBOARD hosted by Dr. Nicole LePera author of the #1 New York Times Best Seller HOW TO DO THE WORK, creator of The Holistic Psychologist, and co-host Jenna Weakland, co-creator of The SelfHealer Circle.
In this podcast, you’ll learn how to recognize your patterns, heal from your past, and create your Self.
🔮 I teach you to heal + consciously create a new version of yourself
(Book: How to Do the Work: Recognize Your Patterns, Heal from Your Past, and Create Yourself; Podcast: Selfhealers Soundboard; YouTube Channel, Free Healing Texts, Free Future Self Journal, Blog, Guided Meditation, WAITLIST)

@drdonrussell | Dr Don Russell | Health/beauty | Author, psychotherapist, speaker, and trainer I help people get their lives back from trauma |
Dr. Don Russell is a speaker, trainer, coach and psychotherapist specializing in trauma and trauma treatment. He brings a style that is relatable (and often humorous) to connect with audiences as he unravels the complexity of trauma, vicarious trauma and trauma treatment. Don provides authentic, practical application, and a fresh perspective that resonates with listeners — leaving them feeling understood, inspired and empowered.
Dr. Don Russell is also the author of “The Trauma Treatment Companion”, released in October 2021, a user-friendly guide to the stabilization of trauma symptoms for smooth recovery from trauma of all kinds. Dr. Don is an enjoyable, and entertaining speaker, trainer, coach, psychotherapist. Explore this site to find out how you can reach your best life. (Click Here to Read More)
Get Your Life Back.
Trauma does not have to be the end of the story. Whether it is trauma from military service, motor vehicle accident, sudden death of a loved one, displacement due to war, political unrest, or natural disaster trauma symptoms can highjack your thinking, emotions and your body. It can seem impossible to get back to normal life. But modern neuroscience and research on cutting-edge therapies prove that recovery is possible.
The Trauma Treatment Companion integrates interpersonal neurobiology, attachment theory, and cognitive behavioural therapy to create a pathway out of the wilderness of trauma symptoms. (Click Here to Read More)

@Dr.AprilGivens | Dr. April Givens, PhD, LPC-S | Public figure
✨Licensed Professional Counselor | Supervisor /Psychobiologist | ✨Army Veteran 🇺🇲TX | ✨Co-host on @thechambertalkshow ~ Apple Podcast | Coaching Services | Newsletter | YouTube
| Anxiety & Stress Management Group | (Posts are for educational purposes)

Apple Podcast – The Chamber Talkshow
Mind your mental health with these doctors who are
using a holistic approach to wellness!

Dr. April Givens is a licensed psychotherapist, coach, and consultant here to provide you candid tips and life skills on your journey toward self improvement. Support this podcast (Come and Let’s Talk):
Did You Know What Unhealed Trauma can Lead To?

Best Online Therapy Services 2022 (Updated Sept 2022)
Get affordable support you need, today
Choose the best online therapy services, begin your free assessment and speak to a licensed therapist. Help is at your fingertips.
Click here for The Best Online Therapy Services 2022 (

@howmental | How Mental | JOIN OUR MENTAL MOVEMENT! Health Wellbeing Community of over 800K Followers @HOWMENTAL | Get the right support for your mind 😇 Care for the people you love most 👫 Make mental health a global priority!
Website: (E-Newsletter, LIVE Workshops, Support Groups, | All the tools and tips you need to help you manage day-to-day mental life. |
AND…We’re building an app to help you take care of your mind and we need your help! Get involved in shaping the future of mental wellbeing!

@noneedtoexplainpodcast “Mental Health Mamas Podcast. We ALL have mental health. The Mental Health Mamas are on a mission to normalize the conversation around mental health.”

@drdebbiepalmer | Dr. Debbie Palmer (Health/beauty)
👩🏻⚕️ Board-certified dermatologist | 🥇 Multi-award winning author | 🧴 Founder, Replere | 📍 Harrison, NY | 👇 Available for skin care appointments and lectures | |
Written by a board-certified dermatologist and doctor of Osteopathy, Mindful Beauty is a practical, hands-on guide to holistic health and wellness. Dr. Debbie Palmer is the perfect coach as you learn how stress, nutrition, relationships, and spirituality can affect your sense of inner peace and outer beauty.
Physical health, emotional balance, energy levels, and appearance are deeply influenced by high-stress lifestyles. This book shows you how to slow down and prioritize your own well-being. Discover new tools for spirituality, relaxation, and self-care. Explore how to make positive nutritional choices and improve your personal relationships. It is possible to relax, let go, and cultivate a sense of inner harmony―let Mindful Beauty show you how.

@peaceful_barb | Barb Schmidt | Writer, Author, meditation teacher, activist and seeker of truth & inner peace✌️Co-Founder of non-profit
@peaceful_barb | @michellemaros |
@michellemaros | Michelle Maros. Writer. Life happens, I write about it. Co-host @barbknowsbestpod🌸 Black lives matter.
@peacefulmindpeacefullife (8,214 posts | 1.7m Followers) | Peaceful Mind Peaceful Life | A non-profit dedicated to promoting meditation and mindfulness practices. @peaceful_barb @michellemaros |
@peaceful_barb | Barb Schmidt | Writer, Author, meditation teacher, activist and seeker of truth & inner peace✌️Co-Founder of non-profit @peacefulmindpeacefullife with @michellemaros |
Click Here for E-Course: Master Your Life | Meditation and Mantra 101
Images below are Posts from @peacefulmindpeacefullife

@powerofpositivity | Power of Positivity (7.2m followers) | Digital creator
🌎MISSION: to uplift the planet! 💪🏼💪🏾 50 MILLION STRONG
📣Connect w/ Founder: @positivekristen | 📖Flip the script on negativity👇🏻🎉 (Book and Self-Help Journal – 3 Minute Positivity Journal: Boost Your Mood. Train Your Mind. Change Your Life.)
Website: (Articles on Lifestyle, Better Life, Inspiration, Health, Anger Management Tips, and more!)

From Kristen’s LinkedIn page:
Kristen Butler is an entrepreneur, leader, and visionary in personal development with a huge heart and captivating authenticity. Her mission is to uplift the planet! She is the founder and CEO of Power of Positivity. Started in 2009, today, her brands have a collective audience of over 50 million and an amazingly talented team behind the scenes. Her success can be attributed to her passion and tenacity to help others, her experience and knowledge in social media since 1998, her love for writing, and her business and journalism skills.
She passionately started Power of Positivity after completely transforming her life from rock bottom using the power of positive thinking. She was so astonished by the results of her research and mindset implementation that she felt her life’s purpose was (and still is) to help others improve their lives.
Kristen not only contributes her transformation to a positive mindset but her relationship with God and an active, plant-based lifestyle.

Read More in Abuse & Trauma section above.
And…In The Alternative…
Alternative/Holistic Therapy ♦ Art Therapy ♦ Crystals ♦ Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT) ♦ Healing with Colors, Food & Creativity ♦
Holistic Health ♦ Hypnotherapy ♦ Meditation ♦ Music/Sound Healing ♦ Plant Therapy ♦ Reiki & Chakra Healing ♦
Trauma Therapy/Trauma-Sensitive Yoga – Guide To Common Forms Of Alternative Therapy, By Katherine MacAulay (to improve Body, Mind and Spirit Health) (Aromatherapy, Massage Therapy, Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Ayurvedic Medicine)

Holistic Therapy attempts to address the individual in terms of their Mind, Spirit, and Body.
How Holistic Therapy Works
The notion of holistic therapy assumes that an individual’s self-perception (or their consciousness) is not to be found in any one particular area but is an integration of the entire person, including their physical body, mind (as a function of the brain), feelings or emotions (as a function of the interaction between the brain [central nervous system] and the physical body), and spirit (the higher part of oneself that connects one to others and to an understanding of meaning). Holistic therapy attempts to have the individual gain awareness of these connections between the mind, body, and spirit using a number of different techniques. The goal is to help individuals to develop a much deeper understanding of themselves at all levels, which can often lead to improved self-esteem and self-awareness. (Read more at

Women’s Wellness Services & Meditation Products
Science+Spirituality+Empowered Alignment
@VoluptuousLife | Kristen Joy, Women’s Wellness Coach, Meditation Guide & Speaker
♡ 𝚆𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚗, 𝙱𝚎 #𝙵𝚞𝚕𝚕𝙾𝚏𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏
♡ 𝙼𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 & 𝚆𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚃𝚘𝚘𝚕𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝙱𝚘𝚍𝚢, 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝, 𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚍 & 𝚂𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚝
♡ 𝚁𝚎𝚝𝚛𝚘 𝚁𝚒𝚝𝚞𝚊𝚕 𝙺𝚒𝚝𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝙲𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚂𝚊𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚂𝚙𝚊𝚌𝚎
“…Kristen will guide you on this mindful approach to living, where you connect to your own personal truth, the highest Truth, and the wise woman who lives within you – to begin living in alignment with your highest good. …” Read More
♦ Goddess Guidance Reading (Energy Session)
♦ Morning Rituals
♦ Be in Your Element
♦ Sleeping Beauty
♦ Undo the Day (Week, Month, etc)
♦ Empowerment Coaching
♦ Meditation
♦ Energy Health for Self and Others
♦ Pick Potions, Not Poisons
♦ Energy Work
♦ Baby Blessing
♦ Become More Plant Based

Books ♦ Blog ♦ Colorful 7 Systems of Health ♦ Free Downloads ♦ Nourish Your Whole Self Cards ♦ Podcast ♦ Programs ♦ Resources ♦ Whole Detox Spectrum Quiz
Deanna Minich, PhD, CNS, IFMCP
Public figure
Science & Spirituality | Nutrition & Nourishment | Color & Chakras | Creativity & Healing | Whole Detox & Rainbow Diet | Online Education 🌈
Dr. Deanna Minich’s website is an absolute Feast of COLORS for the Eyes!!

@empower_reiki | 110 posts | 1,177 followers | 677 following
❤️ ♾
🦋 Empowering others to Self-Heal
🌹If you create you’re an artist
🤣 I love to laugh. Send funny stuff
What a beautiful endorsement and testament!

In case you were wondering what Reiki is, or what Reiki does… This is one of her many profound, deep and thought-provoking posts. . .
Reiki Refresher
Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing (alternative medicine) which transfers universal life force energy through a practitioners hands to the recipient.
Distant/Remote Reiki is when the practitioner performs the Reiki treatment for a client who is not physically present. Universal life force energy flows through every living thing and is not limited by time or space. Distant Reiki has been a practice even prior to these last two years of virtual everything.
Through this energy transfer it creates balance throughout the body system so everything can work in harmony. Reiki releases stagnant energy throughout the body that builds up overtime due to stress of every day life, and traumatic experiences.
Reiki helps to move energy so that it flows more freely resulting in better mood, better sleep and mental clarity.
Reiki treatments can release physical pain and promote faster healing. The body is self healing all the time. Reiki assists this healing as the energy is able to flow freely to where it is needed.
Reiki is also a great immune system booster, reduces anxiety (yes pls!), and stress. It helps our body to have some protection from burn out.
Reiki improves emotional and mental health, and helps foster a healthy way of responding to every day situations. When the energy is balanced and flowing we also “flow” more effortlessly. The healing that takes place positively impacts decision making and perspective.
Hospitals around the world that offer Reiki in conjunction with conventional treatments have found it has been very helpful in acute, chronic, and palliative patients, providing physical and emotional comfort.
Reiki is an intuitive process and often the practitioner is intuitively guided to focus on certain areas and chakras. If the practitioner’s intuitive abilities are particularly strong, they will hear messages and see visuals during the treatment that can be very helpful in the healing process.
Basically, Reiki is the ULTIMATE self care!
#energy #energyhealing #energyhealingpractitioner #universallifeforceenergy #usuireiki #distancereiki #selfcare #reikimaster #love
#reiki #reikihealing #reikimaster #chakra #chakrahealing #oraclereadings #channelingspirit #angelcards #angelreadings #angelmedium #healingmindbodysoulspirit #selfcare #selflove #guidance #alignment #chakrabalancing #usui #usuireiki #smallbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #healingcrystalsandstones

@psychcentralofficial | Psych Central (Media/news company)
Mental health is a journey, and we are here with you every step of the way. 🏔
Creative expression can be a beneficial form of therapy, especially for those who need help navigating traumatic experiences.
Effects of trauma can include:
♦ altered sleep patterns
♦ panic attacks
♦ becoming withdrawn
♦ intrusive thoughts
♦ being easily startled
♦ hypervigilance
With the guidance of an art therapist, you may unlock and express memories or feelings that help you process trauma, anxiety, depression, or another mental health condition when the words aren’t easily flowing.
The body holds onto trauma — even if the mind isn’t aware — also known as somatization.
“Trauma is stored in the body, and the way that we’ve experienced it is not always easy to access verbally. We experience it in images, and art can let us express that experience,” Saba Lurie explains.
To find an art therapist qualified to work with PTSD, look for a trauma-informed therapist. This means the therapist is an art expert but also has other tools to support survivors on their recovery journey, like talk therapy and CBT. Art will always remain the centerpiece of treatment.

My original plan was to share much of what Dr. Deanna Minich has to offer on her website about Colors, Food and Health. However, there were issues involving her copyrights, so I could not include any additional information on my website.
Soooooo… the Infinite Wisdom of the Universe….since I wrote about COLORS in my book, Biosynergenics (in 2004 ~ after 8 years of research so I could cite my references, it took 2 years to write while I was working full time!), I am sharing some information about COLORS from Chapter 2 of my book! (Pardon the line down each page. Scanner issue…) Click Here to Read More
(Karen Renee Gomez)

EFT TAPPING THERAPY | Dawson Church ~ Best-selling science writer
Meditation and EFT Tapping workshops | Founder, Veterans Stress Project | Expert on brain, genetics, and traumatic stress
EFT Universe founder and best-selling author, Dawson Church, PhD, explains the principles behind the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or “tapping” and why it can help with stress and many other emotional and physical issues. Join Dawson as he demonstrates how to do tapping with a simple exercise and provides resources to continue your healing journey.
Learn more about EFT Universe and subscribe to our newsletter at:
Watch free videos of tapping sessions for specific issues at:
Find the schedule of upcoming live workshops and training at:…

What is Tapping?
Learn How to Do EFT with Dawson Church (Click to watch a short video )
Click Link for video: EFT Tapping: Dawson Church PhD Introduces Emotional Freedom Techniques ( ) You will be able to find more YouTube videos from Dawson Church regarding the use of EFT for many issues.
Register for an online, self-help course at:
Find an EFT Practitioner at:…
“…experts say crystals are a repository of positive energy that heals and drives away toxic energy. Crystals help women be in sync with their true selves and their surroundings wherever they go. …”

Clear Quartz
As the “universal crystal,” clear quartz is known as the ultimate source of healing, positivity, spiritual growth, and higher consciousness. Aside from empowering its user, it amplifies the healing powers of other crystals as well. Use clear quartz to heal and align your mind, body, and spirit. (More)
If you’re in need of protection from negativity as you go through transitions in your life, chrysocolla is your go-to stone. For years, it’s been used by women to invoke safety in different stages of life. This stone gives you the strength and courage to be your own problem solver. It’s also a wonderful healing stone thought to improve mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. (More)
This crystal is known to invigorate intuition, fertility, and feminine energy. During uncertainty, like amethyst, labradorite gives you the strength to make decisions while protecting you from negative energies that might set you off your path.
The energy of amethyst draws out stress and negativity from your inner world and transforms it into love. Amethyst has the ability to raise your vibration, fill you with wisdom, and impute in you a new mindset and attitude for accomplishing your goals. You can even use this crystal to overcome addictive behaviors and overindulgence. (More)
When you need to express your authenticity and achieve balance and harmony with others, turn to amazonite. Another benefit of using amazonite is having stable emotions. It helps minimize anger, fear, anxiety, aggression, worry, and any other negative emotions that, when left unchecked, can rule over your heart and threaten your inner peace. (More)
This crystal is known to carry energies that replenish our life force. It can help renew your passion, motivation, enthusiasm, and physical energy so you’re ready to soldier on through life again. (More)
Rose Quartz
It is rich in loving and healing energies, promoting peace and freedom. It has the ability to heal deep-seated emotional wounds caused by past traumas. Work with rose quartz when you’re in need of absolute healing and unconditional love. (More)

(From )
The ancient Greek word for the wound is trauma.
Simply defined, trauma is a deeply disturbing experience that can create extreme stress and overwhelm the body and the mind.
About 70 percent of U.S. adults have experienced a traumatic event at least once in their lives and up to 20 percent of these people can also develop post-traumatic stress, according to the nonprofit organization Sidran Traumatic Stress Institute.
Clinical psychiatrist and trauma expert Bessel van der Kolk has described trauma as “the body keeping score” or as somatic memories stored as visual images or physical sensations. He defines overcoming trauma as being able to feel what you feel without reentering the misery of the past.
Research indicates these five alternative therapies can offer significant relief from the effects of trauma on the body and mind.
Physician Gabor Maté, a trauma expert, says that with trauma, “we lose the connection to our own essence.” He suggests the trauma is less about what happened and more about losing a connection to ourselves—feeling as though we have lost our wisdom, strength, and joy in life. (Read more at )
From a holistic point of view, healing from trauma means learning to come back to feeling our sense of self with its full range of emotions and physical experiences.
And research is showing that many evidence-based trauma interventions can help —including:
1. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) – This powerful multi-phase modality helps heal trauma, including sexual and physical abuse, accident trauma, and grief. (One of the biggest benefits of this method is that it works quickly. Studies show that up to 90 percent of trauma patients no longer have posttraumatic stress after only three 90-minute sessions.)
2. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) (Dr. Dawson Church) – EFT is a self-healing method that combines elements of cognitive therapy and exposure therapy with acupressure to tap on acupuncture points throughout the body. (How does it work? Put simply, EFT tapping reduces the emotional impact of memories that trigger emotional upset.)
3. Craniosacral therapy – Craniosacral therapy is a light hands-on modality that works with the entire body to help heal discomfort, pain, and trauma. (The therapy is also known to help with chronic neck and back pain, migraines, and general stress-relief.)
4. Trauma-Sensitive Yoga (TSY) – Incorporating yogic principles and practices, the goal of this type of yoga is to support stabilized emotions and increased tools for those dealing with emotional and behavioral issues, including trauma and post-traumatic stress.
5. Acupuncture – The Department of Veterans Affairs lists acupuncture as a Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) treatment for post-traumatic stress. (Many studies have shown that it is a safe and cost-effective treatment for chronic conditions, including anxiety, sleep issues, [pain] and post-traumatic stress.)

@peaceransomlv | Peace – Anxiety & Trauma Relief |Alternative & Holistic Health Service | “I’m a survivor of sexual, mental, emotional, narcissistic, spiritual, and physical abuse from my childhood on well into my thirties until I began my healing journey.”

Alternative & Holistic Health Service Yoga & Sound Healing for Stress, Anxiety Disorders & Trauma | Follow for tips to release anxiety & trauma | Offerings & Support Groups in bio | Newsletter | | Website:
Click to read more of Peace’s Story

Everything You Need to Know About Sound Healing
(January 10, 2019) by Irina Yugay
What Is Sound Healing? Sound healing is the process in which a practitioner uses music — including the emotional, psychological, spiritual, physical, social, mental, and superficial — to improve the health of their patient.
Sound healing can improve many facets of your life, including emotional and social development, and cognitive and motor functioning.
Sound healing: The word is emotive.
Its etymology comes from the Greek “Art of the Muses,” the goddesses who embodied and inspired art, literature, and knowledge of mankind.
Music was never invented or discovered, but something innate in us all. It comes as no surprise then, that for centuries, sound healing has been used as a therapy to cure many ailments.
We use music for entertainment, expression, celebration, ceremony, leisure, and communication. Whether we are musically inclined or not, it is the one thing that truly connects humans from all cultures, creeds, and corners of the earth.
A 2006 study done by the Journal of Advanced Nursing discovered that those who listen to music feel less pain and experiences less anxiety than those who don’t.
Since sounds come at different frequencies and we too emit our own waves, healing with sound happens by matching frequencies to those that are conducive to healing and relaxation.
Sounds and songs also elicit memories retrieval, and this can be used to help patients who are traumatized or depressed.
Click Links below to Read More Tips on about…

Healing with sound can improve or cure many ailments including:
♦ Autism
♦ Depression
♦ Learning disabilities
♦ Anxiety disorder
♦ Stress
♦ Pain
It can also bring about:
♦ Clarity and balance
♦ Relaxation
♦ Improved memory and concentration
♦ Improved sleep
♦ A stronger immune system
♦ Improved creativity
♦ Heightened awareness, both of the self and the environment
6-Phase Meditation with Vishen Lakhiani

Sound is measured in terms of Frequency or Hertz (Hz).
Sound Healing is the application of Healing frequencies to the physical and subtle energy fields around the body. These healing or therapeutic frequencies and sounds are delivered via, live sound therapy sessions, the Voice, vocal Overtone Singing and a variety of sound healing tools such as Tuning forks, Tibetan singing bowls, quartz crystal bowls, monochords as well as those from more Shamanic Sound Healing traditions, such as digeridoo, Native drum, Native flute, rattles and so on.
These are frequencies that many therapists and medical practitioners have found to be effective in the treatment of different ailments and conditions.
Healing frequencies are often based on Natural Cycles as is the case with HarmonicSounds Tuning Forks for Sound Therapy. There are many different opinions about which healing frequencies are most effective, and we advise students of our trainings to practise with all the tools and instruments at their disposal in order to find a system that best works and ‘resonates’ with them. (Read More Sound Healing: The Medicine of the past and Future – Harmonic Sounds)

528 Hz ANGELIC CODE, Repairs DNA Healing Code, Manifest Miracles, Release Negative Energy
777 Hz ANGELIC CODE, Repairs DNA Healing Code, Manifest Miracles, Release Negative Energy